Ty Michelfelder Design Website

Ty Michelfelder Fine Art/Photography/Digital Design
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The world is filled with interesting and beautiful images.  The old, new, broken, and intricately formed by nature are just a few of the worthy subjects to enjoy or spark our imagination.  Using photography to frame and freeze images in space and time is an art that calls to me.  I must capture the images around me.  Ancient ruins, broken eggshells, stunning sunets, and precious pets.......each have their own special beauty.

As a painter I have come to love the art of digital painting.  It is a medium that allows me to paint in watercolor, oils, pastels, etc., with hundreds of different brushes at my disposal and to create my paintings on archival quality canvases and fine art papers.  I also enjoy creating works of art using acrylic paints and mediums which give me the freedom to experiment with textures.

Taking pictures allows me to be immersed in the world around me and leads me to examine it in a way that no other activity does.  Digital painting takes my creativity to the next level and allows me to not only capture the world around me, but to also interpret it and blend it with images from my imagination. The use of traditional art materials such as acrylics gives me the opportunity to combine mediums and bulid textures that give my art another dimension ........ literally.   I hope you enjoy my website and are able to find at least one image that touches you in some way, causes you to look at your world differently, or stimulates your imagination.
All images and text are ©Ty Michelfelder 2002
Images are not to be copied without my permission

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